The cir-clips inside these latches often snap over time due to the slamming of the gate…
The Catch with the Latch | 01642 659 656 | 07457 404 475
The cir-clips inside these latches often snap over time due to the slamming of the gate…
I was happy to check the sturdiness of those brackets with two pull-ups of my 90kg athletic frame. I collapsed long before they ever will!…
A simple flatpack assembly job today. Followed by a good long test of the workmanship…
his customer has a real eye for up-cycling tired looking old furniture. This particular project doesn’t have the after picture because the customer opted to do the fun part and apply the new finish.
Additional velux windows had been installed into this customers large shower room prior to them moving into this home. The disturbance to the ceiling needed making good and painting…
After years of dragging tools, materials and rubbish around in estate cars…
I like flat-pack Fridays. I get to switch off the problem solving part of the brain and just follow simple drawn instructions …
Back up the ladder and in the gutters. Not very exciting I know but check out all the crap that came out of there…
This was probably one of my favourite tasks – despite being a painting job!
Sometimes the easy jobs prove harder and the harder jobs prove easy…
don’t love painting & decorating – not sure why – just not my favourite handyman activity. Even so…
Some of you have clearly been on tenterhooks waiting for the third instalment of the shed show..
For those of you waiting with bated breath for my next shed installment …
Several tasks at this address but one of the more unusual was a repair to a very sturdy pair of gates. …
So todays task was to put this slim little gem up on the wall. The owner had upcycled it and added the cute handles. Now its filled with all kinds of spices and kitchen goodies all handily stored in one
Seems to have been a rush on for sheds and greenhouses recently….
Several tasks at this address including painting this little iron gate. Unfortunately the gatepost proved to be utterly rotten…
A coat hangar on one wall and a mirror on the opposite side….
The rain has been playing havoc with the job schedule throughout July! This garage door painting job took a while to finally get the go ahead…
Sometimes a stitch in time saves nine….